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30 French Words That Used to Have a Different Meaning

Arti Goyal
30 french words that used to have a different meaning

Language evolution refers to the process by which languages transform over time. This transformation can be driven by various factors including cultural shifts, technological advancements, and interactions with other languages. Words can acquire new meanings, old meanings can fade, and entirely new words can be created.

French, like all languages, exhibits numerous instances where words have evolved in meaning. Understanding these changes is crucial for language learners and enthusiasts. It provides insights into the cultural and historical contexts that shape a language. Moreover, it helps in grasping the nuances of contemporary usage, thus improving communication and comprehension skills.

Are you ready? Come on, let’s learn to recognize how the meanings of different French words have evolved over time!

Why do words change meanings though?

Word meanings evolve due to several reasons. The most evident one is cultural shifts, where societal values and norms influence language. Technological advancements lead to the introduction of new concepts, resulting in the need for new terminology or altering existing words.

Social changes, such as movements for equality, also reshape language to reflect diversity. Additionally, interaction with other languages contributes to the evolution, as words are borrowed and adapted!

WordHistorical MeaningModern MeaningExempleTranslation
AncienOldFormerMon ancien professeur était très sympathiqueMy former teacher was very nice
BaladeSong Ride/ WalkNous allons faire une balade en forêt We will take a walk in the forest
BureauWriting deskOfficeJe travaille dans un bureauI work in an office
CarteCard/ MapMenuLa carte du restaurant est diverseThe restaurant’s menu is diverse
ClasseCategory/ RankClassroomLa classe de français est intéressanteThe French class is interesting
DiversDifferentVariousIls ont des intérêts divers They have various interests
FameuxFamous/ RenownedGreatC’était un dîner fameuxIt was a great dinner
FortStrongGood at somethingEinstein était vraiment fort en physiqueEinstein was really good at physics
LectureAct of readingReading materialJ’ai acheté des nouvelles lectures pour les vacancesI bought some new reading materials for the holidays
LouerTo praiseTo rentElle va louer un studio près de la Tour Eiffel quand elle s’installe en FranceShe will rent a studio near the Eiffel Tower when she moves to France
LourdHeavyAwkwardIl est lourd dans ses blaguesHe is awkward with his jokes
MariageUnionMarriageLeur mariage était magnifique Their wedding was magnificent
MonnaieMoneyChangeAvez-vous de la monnaie?Do you have change?
NécessaireInevitableNecessaryIl est nécessaire de prendre des mesuresIt is necessary to take these measures
ParfaitCompleted PerfectCe gâteau est parfaitThis cake is perfect
ParlerTo speak formallyTo chatNous avons parlé toute la nuit We talked all night
PlumeFeatherPenJe vais vous présenter mon amiI will introduce you to my friend
PopulaireConsisting of peopleWell-likedCéline Dion est une chanteuse extrêmement populaireCeline Dion is an extremely well-liked singer
PrésenterTo appearTo introduceJ’écris avec une plume I write with a pen
PropreOwnCleanCette maison est très propre This house is very clean
RéglerTo governTo settleJe dois régler cette factureI need to settle this bill
Rendez-vousMeet-upAppointmentJ’ai un rendez-vous chez le médecinI have a doctor’s appointment
RéunionReunionMeetingNous avons une réunion à 14h We have a meeting at 2 pm
SaléSaltyExpensiveCe restaurant est un peu saléThis restaurant is a bit expensive)
ServietteNapkinTowelJ’ai besoin d’une serviette après la doucheI need a towel after the shower
SympathiqueSympathetic (feeling pity or compassion towards someone)FriendlyMon voisin est très sympathiqueMy neighbour is very nice/ friendly
TraduireTo carry acrossTo translatePouvez-vous traduire ce texte?Can you translate this text?
VilainPeasantNaughtyCet enfant est vilainThis kid is naughty)
VoitureCarriageCarMa nouvelle voiture est rougeMy new car is red
VolerTo flyTo stealQuelqu’un a volé mon portefeuilleSomeone stole my wallet

If you’re fascinated by how words can deceive, check out our blog on Les Faux Amis – French False Friends to learn about French words that can trip you up with their misleading meanings

Stop Guessing, Start Speaking!

With our expert tutors, you’ll master the words you need to speak French confidently!

The Impact of Word Evolution on Language Learning

The evolution of French words significantly impacts language learning. As meanings shift, the learners must adapt to contemporary usage and idiomatic expressions. They must learn to understand and recognize these changes, which will eventually lead to an enhancement of their communication skills.

However, this constantly evolutionary nature of language can easily turn into a daunting challenge for the learners. But you don’t need to worry! Because we bring to you strategies to tackle word evolution in the French language:

1. Comparison is helpful

Yes you heard it right. Comparison can be helpful if done with the goal of a positive outcome. Look up words in etymological dictionaries (Cooljugator being a great beginning resource for this) to see how their meanings have shifted, and note any patterns or commonalities. Further, you can also use apps like Duolingo that include cultural notes and usage tips!

After you have tracked some new words every day (or every week, depending how rigorously you want to keep up with your French language learning) write them down, along with their meanings, contexts, as well as examples of their old and new uses.

2. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

Media is your best friend. Yes we said it! Instead of using media just to doomscroll, one can use it as an effective tool for keeping up with language learning as well! Watching French movies and tv shows (For example: The Circle France, Marianne) or even cartoons (like Tintin or Astérix and Obélix) is the easiest way to understand context for modern French language and slang.

Check out our blog 8 Must Watch French Series to Learn French in 2024 for a comprehensive list of French TV series to watch when you’re bored of just studying your way through French!


To conclude, one can say that the evolution of French words and their meanings over time is a testament to the dynamic and ever-changing nature of languages worldwide. Words that once held specific, often narrower, meanings have broadened or shifted entirely, reflecting cultural, social, and technological transformations. For language learners and enthusiasts, understanding these changes is not only fascinating but also crucial for mastering the nuances of contemporary French. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are there any specific historical references to word evolutions in the French language?

Ans: Why yes! Many words evolved due to historical events. For example, the word “château” originally meant a fortified castle but now it refers to any grand country house or mansion. Isn’t that interesting?

2. Are such word evolutions limited to historical references or did the French literature and the arts have any role in words whose meanings have shifted due to their use in literary and artistic contexts?

Ans: The works of famous French authors and poets have sometimes influenced the meanings of words. For example, the romanticization of certain terms, such as “sérénade,” has shifted its meaning from just an evening song to any romantic gesture!

Arti Goyal

Arti is a passionate French trainer with extensive experience in guiding students through DELF, TEF, and TCF exam preparation. Known for her engaging teaching methods, she combines a deep knowledge of the French language with an ability to make learning both effective and enjoyable. Arti focuses on practical communication skills, ensuring that her students not only succeed in their exams but also feel confident using French in everyday situations. Committed to her students’ growth, she fosters a learning environment where French becomes more than just a subject—it’s an enriching and lasting experience.

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